
HappyForms Pro assists you with planning advantageous contact forms rapidly create leads, feedback forms, quote forms, survey forms and significantly many!

HappyForms Pro is the simplest way of overseeing and react to discussions with guests to your site. HappyForms: an advantageous simplified Jehovah to make contact forms, confidential information forms, feedback forms, quote forms, survey forms and the flip is the circumscribe from there!

HappyForms is improved to chassis discussions with your land site guests. Give confidence realizing that messages are dispatched to and fro without the problem of spam.

Demonstrate: https://happyforms.me/

Features HappyForms Pro – Friendly Cart and Drop Contact lens Form Builder

Increase customer engagement through better forms, sign-ups, surveys, polls, and get feedback WordPress

HappyForms Pro plugin features

Get together our Attachments. Limit uploads aside file size, file out type, and number of files.

Dashboard Analytic thinking

Dashboard Analysis

View information on desertion rates, device usage, form completions, and more.

Save forgotten responses

Save forgotten responses

Sometimes people leave before complemental your form. Capture this data easily.

Multi-page form

Multi-page form

Split provident forms on single pages. Cushy drag and drop Thomas Nelson Page founding.

Explicit form in pop-up book

Open form in pop-up

Open your form in a modal window that pops astir. Hands-down to install with just one detent.

Password protection

Password protection

Solely allow people with the secret password to see and reply to your form.

Date/time docket template

Date time schedule template

No hidden drip mould fees! Create unlimited forms with unlimited responses.

Precocious feedback filtering

Advanced feedback filtering

Search your answer by blueprint, prison term, status and device to easily reply.

Poll with live results

Poll with live results

Survey people and show results to visitors, including votes and total percentages.

Login IP address

Login IP address

On with any responses, see metadata such as time district, program, IP, and spoken communication.

Conditional logic

Conditional logic

Show operating theater hide phase sections operating room email different addresses with smart conditional logic.

Integrate reCaptcha

happy form Integrate reCaptcha

Stopover spamming once and for wholly with super effective and easy to use reCaptcha.

Changelog HappyForms Pro – Well-disposed Drag and Drop Contact Form Builder Nulled Rid

          = v1.25.13 =          * Bugfix: Signatures were being cropped incorrectly.          = v1.25.12 =          * Bugfix: A trailing comma butterfly was triggering errors on senile versions of PHP.          = v1.25.10 =          * Bugfix: Old activities were erroneusly removed on or s form configurations.          = v1.25.8 =          * Advance: Legacy Forms widgets can now be transformed into blocks. * Improvement: Hand-drawn signature images are at once automatically planted and optimized when possible. * Improvement: Disabled auto-capitalization, auto-correct and auto-fill on all fields that support it for better usability. * Bugfix: "Limit submissions" feature was misbehaving when exploited together with "Show a substance and allow to resubmit the form". * Removal: Blanks field has been removed. * Removal: "Schedule profile" control has been removed.          = v1.25.7 =          * Meta: Improved license agree system.          = v1.25.6 =          * Improvement: Wagerer selection and insertion of forms in block interface. * Improvement: Web Address field prefix now defaults to empty. * Bugfix: "Limit submissions" and "Limit submissions per user" weren't working with "Stack away activity in database" off. * Remotion: "Message location" control led to degraded usability. * Removal: "Disable buttons until required fields are answered" control led to degraded usability. * Removal: "Title" section in "Title" lozenge added clutter and duplicated center functionality.          = 1.25.5 =          * New feature: Search integrations away group and term in Integrations screen. * Improvement: Faster preview of Layout Text changes. * Bugfix: File away Upload register reckon not right when uploading multiple files that includes an invalid file. * Bugfix: Address field undefined index notice. * Bugfix: Honeypot mechanism was triggering browser autocomplete, preventing submissions.          = v1.25.4 =          * New feature: HTML anchor on form block. * Improvement: Removed Telephone number land flags for better usability and performance. * Improvement: Better notice when uploading duplicate files. * Bugfix: Dropdown item typeface size up doesn't match form style setting. * Bugfix: Form width preview non updating. * Bugfix: Single Choice, Multiple Choice and Dropdown field validation was misbehaving with "Limit submissions" on.          = v1.25.3 =          * Bugfix: Address field validation was misbehaving. * Bugfix: Consolidation credentials were existence removed without user intervention.          = v1.25.2 =          * Improvement: Other filter for advanced control of CSV exports. * Improvement: New global "Google Geocoding" and "Google Places" integrations. * Bugfix: "Register" and "Role Capabilities" sections weren't respecting capability settings. * Bugfix: "Add 'other' choice" and "Allow multiple choices" were misbehaving connected Pollard field. * Bugfix: Widget was misbehaving with new block-founded Widgets screen. * Bugfix: Routine field custom separators weren't working correctly. * Bugfix: Prefilled Long Answer field of view had styling glitches. * Bugfix: Long Answer field Limit words/characters controls had validation issues.          = v1.25.1 =          * Bugfix: "Add rich-copy editor toolbar" and "Disable buttons until required fields are answered" used together were causing Javascript errors. * Bugfix: Removing columns and rows from a Matrix Table bailiwick wasn't updating the preview in the constructor. * Bugfix: "Disable buttons until required fields are answered" was misbehaving on Matrix Table fields. * Bugfix: Slider Scale field's Hint was clincher-built with minimum and maximum number labels. * Bugfix: Dropdown field's "Limit submissions" and "Make this choice default" were causation a fatal error. * Bugfix: Signature field was causing errors during submission. * Bugfix: Signature data was being hidden from Activenes screen when switching method acting.          = v1.25.0 =          * New sport: Signature tune field now supports hand-drawn signatures. * New feature: Per-form privacy controls earmark for finer control of privacy settings. * Newfound feature: "Display remaining submissions" control for Single Prime, Multiple Alternative and Dropdown fields. * Improvement: Fields with validation errors are forthwith marked with a CSS class for easier styling. * Improvement: Web browser autocompletion has been disabled everywhere for more than consistent behavior. * Improvement: Forms now scroll to top only if partially outer of the viewport. * Bugfix: "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder custom CSS classes to submit button" was misbehaving. * Bugfix: Geolocation push button in Address field had styling glitches. * Bugfix: Multi-paginate forms were outputting rove divs. * Bugfix: Client metadata was causing fatal errors in specfic scenarios.          = v1.24.11 =          * New feature article: New 'Former' option for Dropdown field, allowing to enter customs text when responding. * Improvement: Blocklist instantly works on a per-form fundament for meliorate control. * Advance: Better order of countries in Phone Number field. * Improvement: Date of submission in exported CSV files now honors site's date settings. * Betterment: IT's forthwith possible to skip the registration samara email step. * Improvement: Deactivation popup allows for holding or deleting saved data. * Improvement: Forms block now supports additive CSS classes. * Bugfix: Arrows in dropdowns were ignoring Style settings. * Bugfix: Duplicating and trail-dropping Fields in the detergent builder was scrolling the field list to the top. * Bugfix: 'Schedule profile' was misbehaving. * Bugfix: reCAPTCHA was misbehaving after credentials removal from Integrations screen. * Bugfix: Stripe payment wasn't working with drug user-defined price 0.          = v1.24.10 =          * Improvement: Break usability of Phone Number field's national conventions dropdown. * Improvement: Added "Width" option to Slider Scale and Likert Scale fields. * Improvement: Updated country name for Number field national rule feature. * Improvement: More effective honeypot protection. * Improvement: Javascript dependencies for tooltips are now loaded only when needful. * Advance: Restored `happyforms_enqueue_style` filter for whole disabling frontend styles. * Bugfix: "Additional CSS" screen was stripping slashes from CSS encode. * Bugfix: Error notices were ignoring color settings. * Bugfix: Date-Time champaign erroneousness notices were misplaced.          = v1.24.6 =          * Improvement: Best keyboard pilotage in dropdown-based fields. * Improvement: New-sprung control allows for setting a pronounce for required fields. * Betterment: Easy Star Rating subject field. * Bugfix: Import/export functionality was misbehaving in non-English dashboards.          = v1.24.5 =          * Bugfix: Hiding labels was dynamical fields width.          = v1.24.3 =          * Bugfix: Function re-declaration was breaking option-based fields.          = v1.24.2 =          * Virgin feature: Integrately integration. * Improvement: Automated validation of "Terminal point choices" controls. * Betterment: Totally dropdowns become searchable mechanically with more 6 choices. * Bugfix: "Add Media" push button in E-mail tab wasn't working. * Bugfix: Submit clitoris styles were misbehaving. * Bugfix: Restored forms were getting cragfast in "draft" state. * Bugfix: Searchable dropdowns were misbehaving. * Bugfix: Likert scale leaf was being excluded from PDF exports.          = v1.24.1 =          * Improvement: Better stomach for UTF-8 in CSV export files. * Improvement: Better compatibility with 3rd political party popups. * Improvement: Mailchimp integration was fetching but the first 10 lists. * Bugfix: Physique couldn't be added to ACF rich text editor William Claude Dukenfield. * Bugfix: Trashed and deleted forms where showing up in form widget. * Bugfix: Modals were misbehaving afterwards recent jQuery update. * Bugfix: Poll orbit styles were partially broken. * Bugfix: File in uploads were disappearing in abandonable forms.          = v1.24.0 =          * Improvement: Removed jQuery deprecations.          = v1.23.1 =          * Bugfix: A trailing comma was triggering errors on older versions of PHP.          = v1.22.0 =          * New feature: "Messages" tab in Edit Form screen door allows for complete language customization. * New feature: "Prefill" control for stage setting a nonremittal rate connected Short Text, Long School tex, Email Address and Number fields. * Inexperient feature: "Hide button to go to previous page" for preventing users from stepping backwards in multi-page forms. * Improvement: Charge Uploads of incomplete submissions are now hidden and then removed to protect privacy. * Improvement: Mailchimp integration now updates existing subscriber's data. * Bugfix: "Email answering a copy of their submission" → "Include submitted" feature was misbehaving. * Bugfix: PDF interpretation of quotes was generating bad values. * Bugfix: Zapier desegregation was pushy wrong values for optional File away Upload fields.          = v1.21.0 =          * New feature: Integromat integrating. * Improvement: Better bear out for styling in checkbox and radio based Fields. * Advance: Delayed Google reCAPTCHA token validation. * Improvement: Better naming of form class attributes. * Bugfix: Edit Constitute screen wouldn't ferment with custom Site Computer address settings. * Bugfix: AWeber integration wouldn't run with specific sets of fields.          = v1.20.6 =          * Betterment: Form title of respect is not rendered at all when set to "hidden". * Improvement: PDF logo images are today automatically resized to fit their container. * Bugfix: Fields with prefix and suffix support where being validated as always occupied. * Bugfix: "Previous" button in multi-page forms wasn't inheritable whatsoever styles. * Bugfix: PayPal mathematical product verbal description domain was overflowing its maximal sized.          = v1.20.4 =          * Improvement: Style → Extra CSS directly updates preview in realtime. * Melioration: Added permeate to drive style production for compatibility with 3rd party plugins. * Improvement: Updated PayPal integration to the latest version of the SDK. * Bugfix: Hidden manikin title was organism displayed in widget previews. * Bugfix: Netmail rich content editors were misbehaving. * Bugfix: Phone field start was ignoring some style configurations. * Bugfix: Schedule visibility keep in line was misbehaving. * Bugfix: SendFox integration wasn't fetching entirely lists. * Bugfix: Fields with prefix and/or suffix weren't being considered empty in emails.          = v1.20.3 =          * Bugfix: "Fields Borders & Spacing" → "Intrinsical Spatial arrangement" control was insensitive. * Bugfix: File Upload field was erroneously capturing keyboard events. * Bugfix: File Upload field styling was off when "Placeholder" option is empty. * Bugfix: Radio and checkboxes inputs were rendered wrong with "Use theme styles" choice on. * Bugfix: PayPal checkout wasn't practical with "Use 'pay what you want' pricing" and multiple pages forms. * Melioration: Added double opt-in support for Sendinblue. * Improvement: Phone field at present triggers numerical keyboard happening mobile devices. * Advance: Added "Prefix" control to Email field. * Improvement: Better brush up execution of "Fields Labels &adenylic acid; Text" → "Label display" control.          = v1.20.2 =          * Bugfix: Mise en scene "Label expose" to "Hidden" was hiding the form in the auction block editor. * Bugfix: A lacking tracking diagonal in Delete Bod preview inning was causing issues on some host configurations. * Bugfix: "Use theme styles" caused visual glitches happening many W. C. Fields. * Improvement: Qualified logic is straightaway carried ended when duplicating parts. * Bugfix: ActiveCampaign integration wasn't merging data of alive subscribers. * Bugfix: Zapier caused computer storage debilitation issues with lots of activity. * Bugfix: Zapier pretty labels were misbehaving in some scenarios. * New feature: Zapier integration. * Improvement: "Label display" control was made global and affected to Dash step. * Improvement: "Description display" control was made global and moved to Trend step. * Improvement: Glazed labels were triggering useableness errors on common usability cheque tools. * Melioration: Added missing countries to Telephone field. * Bugfix: HappyForms block wasn't memory the elite word form. * Bugfix: Email messages were being conveyed with empty headers in some cases. * Bugfix: Single Choice "Make this quality default" was misbehaving. * Bugfix: Partial constitute submissions were ignoring secrecy settings. * Bugfix: Archived and trashed forms were existence displayed in shortcode/close u grade selection dropdown. * Bugfix: Turnout buffering was causing errors in Oxygen Builder. * Bugfix: Stripe integrating was misbehaving when used with "Use tailor-made HTML ID" option.

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